elemental origins
oil on linen painting
h 60 x w 67 x d 3.5cm
framed h 66.5 x w 73.5 x d 5.5cm
frame and MDF travel case included
shipping costs
UK: £225.00
EU: £350.00
US, Canada & Switzerland: £450.00
World: £550.00
oil on linen painting
h 60 x w 67 x d 3.5cm
framed h 66.5 x w 73.5 x d 5.5cm
frame and MDF travel case included
shipping costs
UK: £225.00
EU: £350.00
US, Canada & Switzerland: £450.00
World: £550.00
oil on linen painting
h 60 x w 67 x d 3.5cm
framed h 66.5 x w 73.5 x d 5.5cm
frame and MDF travel case included
shipping costs
UK: £225.00
EU: £350.00
US, Canada & Switzerland: £450.00
World: £550.00
If you wish to purchase or are interested in more information about this painting please use the contact form bellow. Shipping costs and payment details will be provided